Ricky Swallow 的精美木雕欣赏

1. Killing Time

2. Younger than Yesterday

3. Growing Pains

4. Private Dancer

5. Together is the New Alone
Jelutong, Epoxy putty, Glass, 2002
30 x 16.5 x 15 cm
photo: Fredrik Nilsen

6. Killing Time
Jelutong, Maple bracing, 2003-2004
108 x 184 x 118 cm
photo: Karl Schwerdtfeger

7. Salad days
Jelutong, 2005
102 x 102 x 20 cm
photo: Andy Keate

8. History of Holding (detail)
Turkish Boxwood, 2007
16 x 106 x 19 cm
photo: Fredrik Nilsen

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